MYOB Accounting Software

MYOB Accounting Software

MYOB is one of the pre-approved product under Productivity & Innovation Credit Scheme (PIC) promote by IRAS to assist SME business in Singapore. Any purchase spend on this software or training, it entitled you to claim 40% of your total spent from IRAS.

Singapore Accounting and Business Services Pte Ltd offer “One Stop Solution for MYOB Accounting Software” for MYOB product with attractive discount for client who purchase this product, training and support direct from us.

Below are the MYOB services we offer,


  • MYOB Training

Accounting and Business Services has MYOB trainers to conduct the training upon your confirmation. Training can either conduct at our premises, or at customer’s premises depend on number of candidates and your requirement. The most famous courses are as below,

  • MYOB Payroll
  • MYOB Premier
  • MYOB Accounting



  • MYOB Implementation

Accounting and Business Services also offer onsite MYOB software installation and implementation services if our client request us to do so.



  • MYOB Technical Support

Accounting and Business Services provides MYOB support services for client who is interested to subscribe. A team of knowledgeable staff is make available to provide unlimited phone support to you during our business hours.